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Punjač zidni RivaPower VA4115 WD2 White 1A / 1xUSB + kabel MFi Lightning 1.2m

Šifra: 008726
Dostupnost artikla: Artikl nije dostupan
Jamstvo (mjeseci): 24
Informativna cijena dostave:3,99 € 30,06 KnTočan iznos obračunava se u zadnjem koraku narudžbe.
6,97 € 52,52 Kn

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VA4115 WD2
RIVAPOWER VA 4115 Wall Charger 1USB, 1A + MFi Lightning data cable
Product Features:

• MFi Wall chargers are compatible with all Apple LIghtning powered mobile devices
• Multiple built-in safeguards protect against over-current, overcharging and overheating for safe and fast charging
• Compact design
• Fire-resistant plastic outer shell
• The specially non-slip design keeps the charger securely in place
• With solid construction, it features exceptional damage resistance to the scratches, drops, and bumps of everyday use
• MFi Lightningi data cable (1,2 m) is included