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Auto punjač RivaPower VA4222 W00 White 2,4A / 2xUSB

Šifra: 008756
Dostupnost artikla: Artikl nije dostupan
Jamstvo (mjeseci): 24
Informativna cijena dostave:6,99 €Točan iznos obračunava se u zadnjem koraku narudžbe.
3,86 €

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VA4222 W00
RIVAPOWER VA4222 Car Charger 2 USB x 2.4 A.

• Universal wall charger compatible with all USB powered mobile devices.
• Charge 2 devices simultaneously using one car power socket only.
• Top quality components, built-in filter, surge protection, overload, overheat and short circuit protection provide fast, efficient and safe charging.
• Sanded surface with glossy strip creates superior look, has pleasant touch and provides perfect grip.
• Outer shell, made of non-flammable and durable plastic, provides exceptional fire and mechanical damage resistance.
• Ultra compact design suitable even for cars with tight space around car power outlet.